It’s Thanksgiving, Dear One. The day we normally give thanks by roasting a thirteen- pound bird, eating Grandma Medd’s dressing, and then extend the joy with meaty bones to make a giant pot of turkey soup. Oh, I’m so very thankful for this opportunity to be your Mama and to teach you these things too. These beautiful traditions of Thanksgiving. To watch you, in your tiny apron, helping set the table and standing on your ‘helping stool’ to taste the meal as its prepared.

What I want you to know on this, one of my favourite holidays, is that to choose thankful living every day. There is this Pinterest-worthy phrase that rings so true – it is not happy people who are thankful, but thankful people who are happy. When we face our days with gratitude, life as a gift, and nothing as assumed, we choose joy, child.

There are so many opportunities to be disappointed, day after day. Life isn’t fair and it’s far too easy to grumble. Oh, and when we start grumbling, we find an awful lot to complain about. Live this Thanksgiving daily Child, not just one calendar day a year. Serve it to the world in your very own way and you will be a partaker of this great secret: it truly is thankful people who are happy.