Day 15 – Listen to Your Mother

Dear One, I want you to know that you should listen to your mother.

You see, I wish I had taken more time over the years to listen to my own Mama, and now I’m trying to catch up. Days move quickly, and sometimes I realize that it’s been a week since I picked […]

Day 14 – Don’t be Nice

Child, if I teach you to be nice, I’ve failed you.

Nice is agreeable, pleasant, satisfactory, but not terribly satisfying.

What I want you to know, is that our world doesn’t need more nice people. Our world needs more soul-deep good, kind, joyful people. People who are so full of good that when you spend […]

Day 13 – Be Fully Alive

Dear One, you are already a girl after my own heart. It is so fun to see how, already, you want to wear necklaces and jewelry. You love shoes, and ask every morning for a bow in your hair. Although you’re only two, you watch me carefully and know how to use a flatiron. […]

Day 12 – Choose Thanks Living

It’s Thanksgiving, Dear One. The day we normally give thanks by roasting a thirteen- pound bird, eating Grandma Medd’s dressing, and then extend the joy with meaty bones to make a giant pot of turkey soup. Oh, I’m so very thankful for this opportunity to be your Mama and to teach you these things […]