On Having an Adoptive Mother’s Heart

In our house, we have a lot of kitchen counter conversations. The kind where you pull anything edible – a jar of pickles, a cheeseball, crackers, chocolate, summer sausage and a fruit tray – out of the fridge, and stand there, at the counter, in a messy kitchen, snacking while you solve the world’s […]

New Year’s Wishes

A few years ago, on a snowy December day, as my baby girl napped after a fun afternoon grown-up playdate, I sat toe-to-toe on the couch with a precious girlfriend who was walking through a particularly hard season. We drank our coffee and used half of a box of Kleenex as we considered the […]

Seven Things You Should Know… Talking About Adoption

Recently, when I was mindlessly scrolling through my social media feed, I got stuck on a (fairly innocent) post of a funny family anecdote. The kind where a parent retells a sibling conversation. This one involved one kid telling the other that they don’t belong in their family because they were adopted. (They’re not.) […]

On Loving The Other Mothers


In just a few weeks, our wee girl is going to be finishing her first year of school. We’ve wrestled our way through, and all three of us have grown over the last months. Although she’s still my baby, she’s growing so fast, and in some ways, it’s hard to remember what those first days […]