On Having an Adoptive Mother’s Heart

In our house, we have a lot of kitchen counter conversations. The kind where you pull anything edible – a jar of pickles, a cheeseball, crackers, chocolate, summer sausage and a fruit tray – out of the fridge, and stand there, at the counter, in a messy kitchen, snacking while you solve the world’s […]

New Year’s Wishes

A few years ago, on a snowy December day, as my baby girl napped after a fun afternoon grown-up playdate, I sat toe-to-toe on the couch with a precious girlfriend who was walking through a particularly hard season. We drank our coffee and used half of a box of Kleenex as we considered the […]

Why I’m Grateful for My Adoption Story

I’m so grateful to have my friend Lorilee Craker visiting today. I was honoured to write an endorsement for her memoir, Anne of Green Gables, My Daughter and Me: What My Favourite Book Taught Me about Grace, Belonging & the Orphan in Us All. In the spirit of learning to give thanks, and the […]

Day 6- Allow Your Heart to Be Broken

Child, there are things in this world that will break your heart. Things that will be so painfully difficult to understand. Things like babies who are abandoned at birth, which can shatter a heart into a thousand pieces, and haunt your memories as you try to reconcile them with your own circumstances and story […]