Day 14 – Don’t be Nice

Child, if I teach you to be nice, I’ve failed you.

Nice is agreeable, pleasant, satisfactory, but not terribly satisfying.

What I want you to know, is that our world doesn’t need more nice people. Our world needs more soul-deep good, kind, joyful people. People who are so full of good that when you spend […]

Day 10 – Seek Wisdom

Once upon a time, your Mama put some pieces together and realized that wisdom was what I needed most. I read the promise that if we lack wisdom, we can ask God, who would give it to us generously, without finding fault (because truly, I’ve never felt very deserving of wisdom, for all my […]

Friend, You’re Not a Mistake

A few years ago, after a season of multiple losses and life changes, I sat in a counselor’s office, processing with her all that had gone on in the last number of months. I’m a firm believer in seeking out wise counsel instead of rehashing things ad nauseum with my husband or friends – […]