On Going to the Funeral

Sometimes choosing to postpone your personal agenda for someone else’s need is the greatest decision you’ll ever make.

My friend Tressa shared these words today, and I read them on my way home from a funeral. A funeral that my beloved and I took time off work to attend. A funeral that meant we had […]

When Rest is Best

We watched a lot of Daniel Tiger when our sweet girl was in JK. It was because I’d read an article about how it was the only show that made kids better-behaved instead of worse-behaved. Good justification for screen time and a mama-break, right? Another article said parents watching it with their kids helped […]

Word of the Year: JOY

Last weekend, I was considering my word of the year for 2018, and almost immediately, I knew it. I just know when I know, and I knew, and I was EXCITED. I’m learning that these words are the kindness of God, speaking promise and hope to my heart in the busiest time of the […]

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    EP Member Spotlight ~ Krista Penner: Magnify Your Leadership Potential

EP Member Spotlight ~ Krista Penner: Magnify Your Leadership Potential

I was three years old the first time anybody clued in to the fact that I did not mind standing up in front of a crowd and taking charge. It was a Sunday school pageant and I was convinced my friend Sharon needed me to straighten out her dress, so I turned around in […]