Day 15 – Listen to Your Mother

Dear One, I want you to know that you should listen to your mother.

You see, I wish I had taken more time over the years to listen to my own Mama, and now I’m trying to catch up. Days move quickly, and sometimes I realize that it’s been a week since I picked […]

Day 14 – Don’t be Nice

Child, if I teach you to be nice, I’ve failed you.

Nice is agreeable, pleasant, satisfactory, but not terribly satisfying.

What I want you to know, is that our world doesn’t need more nice people. Our world needs more soul-deep good, kind, joyful people. People who are so full of good that when you spend […]

Day 13 – Be Fully Alive

Dear One, you are already a girl after my own heart. It is so fun to see how, already, you want to wear necklaces and jewelry. You love shoes, and ask every morning for a bow in your hair. Although you’re only two, you watch me carefully and know how to use a flatiron. […]

Day 10 – Seek Wisdom

Once upon a time, your Mama put some pieces together and realized that wisdom was what I needed most. I read the promise that if we lack wisdom, we can ask God, who would give it to us generously, without finding fault (because truly, I’ve never felt very deserving of wisdom, for all my […]