Courageous Christmas {Part 2}

Christmas is fun, isn’t it? I’ve been enjoying so many of the things that kick off the season, and excited to have my gift-list almost all checked off. It can also be a really tough time for so many people. Honestly, even a trip to Costco on a Saturday can require a lot of […]

Courageous Christmas {Part 1}

Christmas is fun, isn’t it? I’ve been enjoying so many of the things that kick off the season, and excited to have my gift-list almost all checked off. It can also be a really tough time for so many people. Honestly, even a trip to Costco on a Saturday can require a lot of […]

On Finding Real Courage {& a Giveaway!}

The last number of weeks has been really hard for a lot of people in our world. Really hard. Like, life-shatteringly hard.
One after another, I’ve received messages from people I love, walking through hard things.
One says, “I’ve been wanting to tell you, but didn’t know how.”
Another says, “I hesitated to ask for prayer, but […]

On Being Prepared

Today, I had to handle a task I felt completely unprepared for. Like, completely, totally unprepared. And so, because it’s just who I am and what I was called to do, I started gathering together resources and stomped right into the midst of the fray. I’m not at all sure how this is going […]